Smiths video
So, I thought I would start today's post with a link to a music video by the smiths. I was listening to this while reading the book and something stuck a chord with me. i noticed that Antoinette multiple times points out bitter sweet songs in which there is some one singing in an upbeat about dreary subject matter. this is fist pointed out when Christophine is singing to her and latter in the convent when she is taking notice how sister Louise sings about death in such happy manor. the smiths as a British punk anarchist band (I swear the bread these bands in the UK)has truly mastered that dissidence between an upbeat tune and morbid lyrics (they also produce some very keen guitar riffs) but when i got to reading i noticed this type of melancholy was pervasive in the text. the first section is written in the manner of a young woman so the pros seem to rad in an up beat way while the content is rather sad. then again i also noticed the repeating and my mind instantly went to Chuck Palahniuk, or Kurt Vonnegut. both of these authors enjoy repetition and both generally cover come pretty gritty subject matter(seriously if you want to feel like you never want to eat again because your stomach is to knotted up, and your skin is forever crawling read Chuck Palahniuk's "Haunted" you will never be the same it contains things you can't UN-read) but gladly, Rhy's story is much less glum. I was thinking a lot about what maybe waking dreams and also the actually dreams that Antoinette has... the remind me a lot of things that one of my best friends has told me about things he has seen, she is a delusional schizophrenic, and I was thinking about Antoinette and how both her mother and brother have mental irregularities. Knowing Antoinette's eventual fate I am beginning to believe that she may very well have a similar disorder. Then i think about her future and what is to come and I am lead to think about how all of these anxieties may cause enough tension to break her psyche. This of course is only a guess and I doubt it will be affirmed or discredited as the novel goes on. Finally, I am not that far into the new section so do not ruin anything for me but I feel that the writing style used for Rochester's is section is similar to the psyche of a young man.
Not for a grade please: I loved your post. Being a fan of old school punk and grunge, I could not resist saying "YES!" to your post. You couldn't be more correct about Morrisey. He had a way of writing about some of the most melancholy, boarderline suicidal lyrics to upbeat rythms that seem to suck you in. I find this to be true of one of my all time favorite bands, the Cure as well. R.Smith seemed to have the gift as well, of sucking you into a happy place with the "tone" of the music, while the lyrics were of a far more lonely, often sad content. You are definaletly on to something in the comparrision with the narration of Jane Eyre, and not going to lie, kind of jealous I didn't think of it first ;) ...loved your post!